Self Exam on the Cardinal Virtues

How do you practice the following virtues? Check “very well,” “well” or “needs” work.

Prudence (sound judgement)
I respect learning and am open to new ideas . _____very well _____well _____needs work
I reflect on past mistakes before acting. _____very well _____well _____needs work
I can recognize goodness, truth and beauty when I see it. _____very well _____well _____needs work

Justice (fairness towards others)
I both acknowledge and respect the rights of others. _____very well _____well _____needs work
I do my duty, honor my promises, and follow through on my commitments. _____very well _____well _____needs work
I respect the reputation of others and refrain from gossip and rash judgment. _____very well _____well _____needs work

Fortitude (courage)
I am able to put up with inconvenience, disappointments and setbacks. _____very well _____well _____needs work
I am willing to face problems and obstacles and refuse to run away from them. _____very well _____well _____needs work
I am my own person and make strong efforts to overcome peer pressure. _____very well _____well _____needs work

Temperance (self-control)
I can say “no” to myself and wait for rewards and gratification. _____very well _____well _____needs work
I enjoy in moderation the pleasures of food, entertainment, sports and the like. _____very well _____well _____needs work
I do not return rude comments with nastiness but choose to control myself. _____very well _____well _____needs work

adapted from Your Life in Christ, page 200 Ave Maria Press 2001