COURSE OUTLINE FOR: Theology 103B: Catholic Morality
Course Goals
·To provide a method for making moral decisions with the teachings of the Catholic Church.
·To recognize key principles that apply to Christian moral decisions.
·To know and apply specific magisterial teachings in the area of morality and Christian living.
Material to be Covered
·Living a Moral Life
·The Gift of Being Human
·Making Moral Decisions
·Law as a Guide to Freedom
·Jesus as a Moral Guide
·Conscience Formation
·Sin and Forgiveness
·Respect for Life
·Respect for the Gift of Sexuality
Types of Assignments and How Often
Reading assignments weekly - answering questions weekly - various projects every 2-4 weeks.
Types of Assessments and How Often
Assignments/Projects every 2-4 weeks. Written tests every 2-4 weeks. Cumulative final examination.
Points are received for all assignments and assessments. The student's grade will be the percentage of points earned out of the total points possible. The Final Exam is worth between 20 and 25% of the semester grade. Mid-term grade reflects progress to that point, semester grade reflects the entire semester. Points are taken off of the assignment when it is handed in late equivalent to one letter grade per day late. After five days the student is still expected to turn in their assignment (maximum points=half credit.) Late assignments can be turned in until the last day of the quarter for half credit. If a student misses class it is their responsibility to approach the teacher and get the assignments or notes that were missed. The student has two days after returning to make up anything missed before it is counted late. Long absences are handled individually.
Materials Needed for Class
·Textbook—Your LIfe in Christ by Michael Pennock
·Pen or Pencil
·Loose leaf
Class Rules
·Treat yourself and others with respect
·Be Prepared: bring Materials (sometimes worth points) to class, take notes in class, actively participate in discussions, ask questions and seek extra help when you need it. Complete reading, projects and homework assignments with care and turn in on time.
·Be on time
Email Mr. Jim Homan, © Jim Homan 2004 |