
2007 PRACTICE Morality Test 6 (Ch 4, 5 & J Q)

Indicate whether the sentence or statement is true or false.


You must never go against what your conscience tells you is moral.


Conscience is primarily a judgment of the intellect.


Conscience always means we must go it alone when making moral decisions.


It is always a part of a good conscience decision to evaluate and reflect on actions already performed.


The excuse “This is the way I am” is often the sign of an insincere conscience.


It is correct to say that when you are an adult, you will have a perfectly formed conscience, never needing any more information.


Ignorance about the wrongness of a given deed can lessen one’s moral blameworthiness for the act and turn an objectively evil act into a good one.


Jiminy Cricket was a character in the Disney movie "Cinderella."


We have a responsibility as human beings to develop a properly formed conscience.


Sincerity is all that matters when making moral decisions.


No one in heaven or on earth has the right to judge your actions good or bad.


The only way a person should make moral decisions is by asking themselves, "Do I think it is right?"


When making important moral decisions, one should consult parents, the law, teachers, church teaching, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, scripture, saints and other knowledgeable Christians.


We must develop an informed conscience, and we must follow that conscience.


If we want to do something wrong simply to see if we can get away with it, we have a pure intention.


In the movie, “John Q,” Dr. Turner is a very compassionate man, only concerned with helping others.


In the movie John Q, the heart transplant costs $250,000.


In the movie John Q, the hospital is asking for a down payment of 40% in order to put Mike’s name on the donor list.


John Q. was working about 20 hours per week in the movie.


John Q. was making too much money to receive monetary assistance from agencies.


John Q. made enough money to pay his hospital bills.


John Q. had an immoral intention in taking over the Emergency Room.


In the movie, “John Q,” Mitch’s blood type was “B Positive.”


In the movie, “John Q,” HMOs essentially pay doctors not to give tests.


In the movie, “John Q,” Tuck Lampley was an unselfish man dedicated to truth and justice.


John Q. planned on killing at least one person in order to save Mike.


In the movie, “John Q,” Rebecca Payne was a doctor at the hospital.


In the movie, “John Q,” Chief Monroe and Tuck Lampley are complete opposites, one is selfish and the other is only interested in doing the right thing for others.


In the movie, “John Q,” Dr. Turner seemed to treat rich people better than the average Joe.


John Q. received a sentence of 7 to 10 years in federal prison for kidnapping.


John Q’s middle name is Quicymagellanandrepaulgeorge.


In the movie “John Q,” Mitch stabs John with a rustly nail.


Conscience is the subjective norm of morality


Conscience is the objective norm of morality


Something that is subjective can also be objective.


Something cannot be subjective and objective at the same time.


Something that is subjective is always true and exactly in line with reality.


Everything is subjective, there is nothing that cannot be.


Conscience enables us to be aware of ourselves and helps us act so that we become the persons we are capable of becoming.


Conscience is the capacity to judge whether an action or an attitude will help us grow as persons or whether such actions and attitudes will stifle, even kill, our growth as children of God


Conscience is not our inner dialogue with God who calls each one of us to act as the person we are, it is something entirely different.


A properly formed conscience helps tune us in to what God wants for us in a particular situation


John Q was played by Morgan Freeman.


In the movie “John Q,” Rebecca Payne was actually played by the actress Julia Roberts.

Complete each sentence or statement.


Blessed are the ___________, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.



Blessed are _______________, for they will be comforted.



Blessed ___________, _______________ the land.



Blessed are they who ____________________, for they will be satisfied.



Blessed _________________, for they will be shown mercy.



Blessed are _____________, for they will see God.



Blessed are ______________, for they will be called children of God.



Blessed are they ________________________, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.


Matching: “John Q”
Denise Archibald
Tuck Lampley
John Q. Archibald
Rebecca Payne
Mike Archibald
Mitch Quigley
Dr. Raymond Turner
Frank Grimes
Jimmy Palumbo
none of these


John Q’s son.


The hospital chief administrator.


Said “Do Something!” and then hung up.


The main TV reporter.


The name of the hostage negotiator.


The main character.


John’s best friend and co-worker.


Ordered the S.W.A.T. team guy to go in and shoot John.


Who said “People get sick, they die.  That’s the way it goes.”?


Who said “It seems that something is out of whack, not someone.”?


Who said “Don’t get caught up in the bad things, there are so many great things out there.”?


Who said “To shame a man like that and back him into a corner.”?


Heart doctor.


Stabbed John Q.


Who said “this is my white bronco.”?


Who joked that Frank needed diapers?


Who’s conscience bothered them the most and ended up completely reversing a crucial decision?


Who’s heart was enlarged?


Who told John that he filled out the wrong paperwork?  He should have filed a grievance, not an appeal.


Who was played by Denzel Washington?
Chapter 5 Matching
Conscience as following the crowd
Conscience as Jiminy Cricket
Conscience as a feeling
Conscience as myth
Conscience as superego
Christian definition of conscience
Conscience as a gut instinct


Leftover “shoulds” and “have-tos” from childhood.


A false concept invented by religion to control people


“If it feels good, do it.”


A voice whispering in your ear.


A judgment of reason about the rightness of actions


Everyone is doing “it.” “It” must be okay.


Acting on your hunch.


A cartoon conscience


If you feel like doing something then it is O.K.


You just do what everyone else is doing.
Conscience Packet Matching: Answers may be used once, more than once or not at all.
Type 1 Conscience
Type 3 Conscience
Type 2 Conscience
None of These


Which type of conscience would you use if you made a moral decision based on the fact that you are sensitive to the needs of others.


Which type of conscience would you use if you made a moral decision based on the fact that you fear the consequences.


Which type of conscience would you use if you made a moral decision based on the fact you want to protect the rights of others.


Which type of conscience would you use if you made a moral decision based on whether or not the cops will catch you.


Which type of conscience would you use if you made a moral decision based on the prompting of God speaking in the innermost part of yourself.


Which type of conscience would you use if you made a moral decision based on the fact that you think God is out to get you for slipping up.


Which type of conscience would you use if you made a moral decision based on your desire to act as a child of God.


Which type of conscience would you use if you made a moral decision based on the fact that you know you should respond to others in a caring way.
Types of Conscience Matching: Answers may be used once, more than once or not at all.  Match the example with the type.
Type 1 Conscience
Type 3 Conscience
Type 2 Conscience
None of these


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