
2007 Morality PRACTICE Test 5 (Ch 2, 3)

Indicate whether the sentence or statement is true or false.


There are rarely alternatives to proposed moral actions.


The outcomes or consequences of our actions are the most important factor in determining their moral goodness or evil.


Catholics have a serious duty to consult the Magisterium in areas of right and wrong.


Prayer has both a talking and listening part–both are important in choosing the right thing to do.


No action is always wrong (in and of itself.)


The Stop Sign method of moral decision-making is rooted in reality.


Determinists believe in freedom of the human will.


The word imputable means “accountable.”


Ignorance always dismisses us from responsibility for our actions.


Freedom is rooted in both reason and will.


One result of freedom is that we can use it to build our characters.


One of our greatest freedoms is the freedom to change.


The “Moral Object” is what someone means to do when making moral decisions.


The end always justifies the means.


The question “Why” can be considered a circumstance.


The question “Where” can be considered a circumstance.


The question “Who” can be considered a circumstance.


The question “How” can be considered a circumstance.


The question “When” can be considered a circumstance.


The end does not always justify the means.


The “means” in the phrase “The end does not justify the means” refers to how you achieve a result.


It is considered morally right to cheat on a test in order to receive an “A” because the end result (an “A”) is a good thing.


It is considered morally right to study hard in order to receive an “A” because the end result (an “A”) is a good thing and the means to the end is also good.


It is considered morally right to kill someone by poisoning them if a person intended to just make the person sick.


Anything is considered morally right if the intention is good and the action is good.


The “end” in the phrase “The end does not justify the means” refers to how you achieve a result.


If an intention is immoral, the resulting action becomes immoral.


The “Moral Object” basically is the action one takes when making moral decisions.


The “S” in the STOP Sign method refers to “Stay the Course.”


The “S” in the STOP Sign method refers to “Search Out the Facts.”


The “T” in the STOP Sign method refers to “Think about Alternatives and Consequences.”


The “T” in the STOP Sign method refers to “Total Request Live.”


When thinking about consequences, one should use the question, “What if everyone did it?” to realize how grave the result of an immoral act could be.


The “O” in the STOP Sign method refers to “Others.”


When consulting Others in the STOP Sign Method, one should never refer to the Catechism of the Catholic Church because it contains Church Teaching.


The “P” in the STOP Sign method refers to “Practical Alternatives and Consequences.”


The “P” in the STOP Sign method refers to “Practicing Moral Decisions.”


Anything is considered morally right if the action is good.


Prayer gives people the strength to sometimes make the unpopular choice.


Prayer guides us and keeps us close to God.


In the “O” section of the STOP Sign method it says we should be considerate of others.


In the “T” section of the STOP Sign method it says we should use our creativity to think up alternatives.


In the “S” section of the STOP Sign method it says we should be considerate of others.


In the “O” section of the STOP Sign method it says we should use the 3 W’s and the 1 H.


In the “T” section of the STOP Sign method it says we should ask “Would I be willing to allow everyone in a similar situation to act this way?”


While in high school, Kevin Tunnell made good choices when it comes to drinking the drug alcohol.


Kevin Tunnell killed his girlfriend in an car accident .


Kevin Tunnell’s victim drove a volkwagen.


Kevin Tunnell pretty much lost all his friends, including his girlfriend, after the accident.


Kevin Tunnell was sentenced to write a check fo $1 per week for 18 years.


Kevin Tunnell did not experience difficulties carrying out his sentence.


Kevin Tunnell never learned how to take responsibility for his actions.


Kevin Tunnell helps us learn that not only should teenages not drink and drive, they should not drink or use other mood altering drugs, period.

Matching: Match the answers below with the questions that immediately follow.  Answers can be used once, more than once or not at all.
Moral Object
None of these


This interior element cannot change the moral quality of an act, for example, cannot make good an act that is evil.


Who and when


Why you do something.


The most important aspect.


A good _______ does not justify evil means or object.


Can increase or decrease the moral goodness of an act (not the intent.)


Where and how








What you mean to have happen when you do something
St. Thomas Aquinas Matching: Use the following answers and match them with the questions below.  Answers may be used once, more than once or not at all.
Common Good
None of these
Canon Law


First, St. Thomas Aquinas taught that good law must be __________,


Second, St. Thomas Aquinas taught that good law should be issued by proper __________.


Third, St. Thomas Aquinas taught that good law must be directed at the _________________.


Fourth, St. Thomas Aquinas taught that good law should be _________ in a way people know about it.


The official body of laws which regulate how the Catholic church governs itself


Because we are free, we must also accept  _________.
Read the story and then match the answers below with the questions that follow.  Answers may be used once, more than once or not at all.
Men bare all for their local schools
Oregon (AP) -- Cleve Dumdi -- a 70-year-old respected sheep rancher, husband of a former county commissioner -- was walking in this small Oregon town one day when a longtime acquaintance hailed him from across the street.
"Hey Dumdi!," the man hollered. "Didn't recognize you with your clothes on!"
It's the kind of ribbing Dumdi has had to bear ever since he disrobed and perched on his tractor for a 2004 nudie calendar featuring the men of Junction City.
All proceeds from calendar sales go to the Junction City school district, which has had to give up at least three classroom teachers, art, music, gym class and field trips after recent severe state cutbacks in education budgets.
The calendar, which is being sold online for $17, is the latest gambit to raise money for local schools in a state where teachers already have lined up to sell their blood plasma and ranchers have auctioned off the rights to hunt for buffalo and antelope on their property. "Anyone who knows fund raising knows you can't make enough on a bake-sale, and we have been jog-a-thoned to death," said Danuta Pfeiffer, the force behind the calendar and the wife of Mr. March, who obligingly posed holding up a well-placed pot of daffodils. "We'd do backwards handsprings if we could raise $25,000 from this, but we are dreaming of $75,000 and a movie deal."
Moral Object
Cleve posing nude
Cleve walking across the street
Buying a calendar
To earn money for the school district
None of these
Sold online for $17.00


What is the moral object of the story “Men bare all for their local schools?”


What is the intention of the story “Men bare all for their local schools?”


What is one of the circumstances of the story “Men bare all for their local schools?”


Is the moral object moral or immoral?


Is the intention moral or immoral?


Is offering a calendar for sale in the story an intention, moral object or circumstance?


Is the fact that the local schools need financial help in the story an intention, moral object or circumstance ?


How old is Cleve?


Is “all proceeds go to the Junction City school district” itself moral or immoral?
10 Commandments Matching: Use the following answers and match them with the questions below.  Answers may be used once, more than once or not at all.
You shall not steal.
You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife.
You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
I am the Lord your God, you shall not covet your false witness.
You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.
Honor your father and mother.
You shall not covet your neighbor’s goods.
You shall not commit adultery.
Remember to keep holy the Lord’s day.
None of these.
You shall not kill.


What is the first commandment?


What is the second commandment?


What is the third commandment?


What is the fourth commandment?


What is the fifth commandment?


What is the sixth commandment?


What is the seventh commandment?


What is the eighth commandment?


What is the ninth commandment?


What is the tenth commandment?
Six Precepts (from our text) Matching: Use the following answers and match them with the questions below.  Answers may be used once, more than once or not at all.
Lenten season
Material needs
Mass on Sundays
Holy Communion
Holy days of obligation
Easter Season
None of these
Fasting and abstinence


You shall attend __________________ and holy days of obligation.


You shall __________  your sins at least once a year.


You shall humbly receive your Creator in Holy Communion at  least during the ________________.


You shall keep holy the ______________________________.


You shall observe the ________________ days  of fasting and abstinence.


The faithful also have the duty of providing for the _________ of  the Church, each according to his abilities.
Matching: Use the answers below for the questions that follow.  Answers may be used once, more than once or not at all.
Kevin Tunell
none of these


Devising self-serving excuses for one’s behavior.


With freedom comes __________________.


Kevin Tunell said he must accept _____________ for the terrible thing he did.


Kevin Tunell had the _____________ to make the wrong choice and drink heavily, then drive himself home.


When Kevin Tunell said “Nothing ever happens to me” he was using a ________________________ to excuse his drinking behavior.

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