Scripture Guide to Justice
Hebrew Scriptures
Bk-Ch-Vs Theme Statement
Gn 1:1-31 The story of creation; call to stewardship of the earth
Gn 4:9-10 Am
I my brother’s keeper?
Ex 3:1-20 God
reveals himself as liberator; sends Moses to free his people from economic and
political oppression
Ex 6:2-13 God the liberator
Ex 16:1-36 The manna and
the quails
Ex 17:1-7 Water from the rock
Ex 22:20-24 Justice
and mercy toward stranger, orphan, widow
Ex 22:25-27 Mercy and kindness toward neighbor
Ex 23:6-8 Legal systems should judge fairly
Ex 23:9 Don’t
oppress strangers
Lv 19:9-18 Treat
your neighbor with justice and mercy; love your neighbor as yourself
Lv 19:23-24 Don’t oppress strangers
Lv 19: 32-34 Respect
for the elderly and foreigners
Lv 19: 8ff Holy
year of jubilee; economic restoration
Lv 25: 23-28 The land belongs to the Lord; you are strangers and guests
Lv 27: 32 Tithing
Dt 1:16-17 Judge impartially
10:16-20 Don’t oppress strangers
Bk-Ch-Vs Theme Statement
Dt 15:1-15 Periodic
cancellation of debts and release of slaves; let there be no poor among you
Dt 24:17-22 Justice
towards strangers, orphans,widows
24:19-22 Remember the poor while
harvesting; gleaning
26:12-13 Tithing and concern for the
Dt 27:19 Don’t oppress strangers
Dt 30 A nation that chooses the Lord
chooses life
1Ch 29:10-14 We only give back to God what God has first given us
Tb 4:16-17 Treat others as
you would be treated
Ps 8:1-9 Placed over all creation
Ps 9:7-12,18 God rules the world with Justice
Ps 9:9 Strength for the Oppressed; justice toward all
Ps 24:1ff The earth is the Lord’s
Ps 25:6-18 The Lord hears and protects the just
Ps 41:1-3 Regard for the lowly and the poor
Ps 65:9-13 God’s care for creation
Ps 68:5-6 God’s care for the helpless and homeless
Ps 72 God
liberates and defends the poor and oppressed; justice flourishes in God’s day
Ps 82 No more mockery of justice
Ps 96:10-13 God judges the people with justice
Ps 103 Yahweh is always on the side of the
Ps 103:6-7 God judges in favor of the oppressed
Bk-Ch-Vs Theme Statement
Ps 140:12 God defends the cause of the poor
Ps 146:1-10 Creator and God of the oppressed
Ps 146:6-9 The Lord gives justice and liberty
Prv 21:3 Justice
is more pleasing than sacrifice
Prv 22:22-23 Do not rob or injure the poor
Prv 31:8-9 Be an advocate for the voiceless
4:1-3 The
power of oppressors and the weak
Is 1:10-28 Religious hypocrisy, its punishment and
Is 2:1-5 Turn swords into ploughshares
Is 5:1-7 God's people produce the bitter
fruit of injustice
Is 5:8-9 Woe to those who hoard riches
Is 10:1-2 Bad legislators; denial of human
Is 29:13 Change of heart requires more than
lip service
Is 32:16-17 Justice will bring peace
Is 58:1-12 God
doesn’t want empty worship but a conversion of heart that produces justice,
love, and mercy
Is 61:1-2 Mission
of Christ foretold, good news to the poor; liberation
Jer 6:13-16 They cry, “Peace!” but there is none
Jer 6:19-20 Worship
is not acceptable without obedience
Bk-Ch-Vs Theme Statement
Jer 7: 1–11 The temple is no haven for evildoers
Jer 22:3 Rescue
the victim from the oppressor
Ez 34 Responsibilities
of religious and civil leaders and authorities
Ez 37 God
raises up a new people from “dry bones”
Dan 9:1-19 The nation is
called to repent
Hos 6:6 Love,
not empty worship
Am 2:6-7 The
unjust trample on the heads of ordinary people
Am 6:1, 3-6 Woe
to the complacent and oppressive rich
Am 8:4-7 The
powerful trample on the poor and needy
Mi 2:1-2 Woe to the oppressor
Mi 4:1-4 God's universal reign of peace; swords beat into plows
Mi 6:8 Act justly, love tenderly, walk humbly with God
Mi 6:9-14 Dishonesty condemned
Mi 7:18-20 God’s constant love
Hb 2:6-9 Trouble will come to those who exploit
Zec 7:9-10 Justice and Mercy
Christian Scriptures
Bk-Ch-Vs Theme Statement
Mt 4:1-10 The Temptation
of Jesus
Mt.5:13-16 Salt and light for the world
Mt.5:23-25 Forgiveness and reconciliation
Mt.5:38-48 Give your coat; walk the extra mile
Mt.6:1-4 Don't make a show of your generosity
Mt 6:19-21 Your heart is where your treasure is
Mt 6:25-34 Set your hearts on God’s Kingdom first
Mt 7:21; Lk 6:46-49
Combine prayer with action
Mt 10:37-39 Take up the cross daily; lose life to gain life
Mt 11:2-6 The signs for recognizing the Messiah and his followers
Mt 12:46-50 Do God’s will
Mt 12:15-21 God’s chosen servant, persistent until justice triumphs
Mt 19:16-30 The rich young man
Mt 20:26-28 Christians must be servants
Mt 23-23-24 Don’t neglect justice and mercy
Mt 25:12-30 The parable of the three servants
Mt 25:31-46 Whatever we do to our neighbor, we do to Christ
Mk 6:30-37 Give them something to eat yourselves
Mk 8:1-9 Jesus feeds 4000 people
To be first before God, be a servant
Bk-Ch-Vs Theme Statement
Mk 10:17-31 The rich young man refuses invitation to voluntary poverty
Mk 12:41-44 The widow’s offering
Lk 1:52-53 Mary’s song of praise; God exalts the poor
Lk 3:10-18 John the Baptists’ call to share extra clothing, food
Lk 4:16-30 Jesus announces his mission to liberate people
Lk 6:20-26 Beatitudes, condemnation of oppressive and complacent rich
Lk 6:26-35 Make peace through nonviolence and love of enemies
Lk 7:18-23 The blind see, the Good News is preached
Lk 10:25-37 The Good Samaritan
Lk 11:40-42 Pharisaism; need for justice and love
Lk 12:13-21 A person’s worth is not determined by how much one owns
Lk 12:32-34 Sell and give alms; your heart will be where your riches are
Lk 14:7-14 Humility and hospitality
Lk 15:1-7 Jesus associated with the outcasts of society; the lost sheep
Lk 16:19-31 Lazarus and the rich man
Lk 19:7-9 Zaccheus; conversion, repentance and restitution
Lk 22:24-27 Be a servant
Lk 24:49 Christ empowers us to continue his work
Jn 6:5-13 Christ feeds the hungry
Jn 10:1-18 Jesus the Good Shepherd
Bk-Ch-Vs Theme Statement
Jn 13:1-15 Jesus washes the feet of disciples as the suffering servant
Jn 13:34-35 Love-the distinctive characteristic of Christians
Jn 14:10-17 Those who believe in Christ will do the same and greater works through the power of the Holy Spirit
Acts 1:4 The power we need to do Christ’s work
Acts 1:6-8 Our job is to be Christ’s witness
Acts 2:43-47;
The first Christian community shared everything; no one was in need
Acts 4:18-22 Obey God rather than people
Acts 4:32-35 True Christian community; possessions shared
Acts 6:1-6 Deacons appointed for service
Acts 10:34-35 God shows no favoritism
Acts 16:16-24; 17:1-9
Paul thrown into jail for preaching Jesus and calling for change
Rom 5:6-11 Friends with God through Christ
Rom 8:14-17 We have been given a spirit of freedom, not slavery
Rom 12:9-13, 16-17
One body in Christ, serving others
Rom 12:10-18 Make friends with the poor
Rom 13:8-10 Our only debt is to love one another
Rom 14:17-19 The kingdom is justice, peace and joy
1 Cor
Dishonoring the Lord’s Supper, division in the community
Bk-Ch-Vs Theme Statement
1 Cor 12:7-11 The gifts of the Holy Spirit are tools for building Christian community
1 Cor
If one suffers, all suffer
1 Cor 13 Love as the Christian life style
1 Cor 16:1-4 Set aside money to aid others
2 Cor 4:7 God’s power working in and through us
2 Cor 6:6 The qualities of a servant
2 Cor 8:1-15 Be generous in sharing with the needy; Christ became poor to enrich us
2 Cor 9:1-15 Give gladly
Gal 5:1 You have been called to live in freedom
Gal 5:13-15 Use your freedom to serve others; love fulfills the law
Gal 5:22-23 The fruits of the Holy Spirit
Gal 6:2 Bear one another’s burdens
Gal 6:9-10 Do not tire of doing good
Eph 2:8-10 Saved through faith in Christ, created for a life of good deeds
Eph 4:11-16 The base for ministry is the community; the whole body grows and is built up by love
Eph 4:23-24 Put aside old misdirected ways for a new, fresh way of thinking
Phil 2:1-11 Unity and service; be a servant like Christ
Bk-Ch-Vs Theme Statement
1 Thes 5:12-18
The demands of community life
1 Tm 6:1-10 Love of money is the root of all evel
1 Tm 6:17-19 Tell the rich not to be proud
Heb 10:24-25 Concern in the Christian Community
Heb 13:1-3 Welcome strangers, remember those imprisoned
Heb 13:5 Be satisfied, God is with you
Jas 1:22-27 Be doers, not only hearers of the word
Jas 2:1-9 Love your neighbor, treat all with dignity
Jas 2:14-17 Faith without actions is dead
Jas 3:13-18 Peacemakers follow true wisdom
Jas 5:1-6 Riches obtained unjustly bring misery
1 Pt 4:7-11 Put your gifts at the service of others
1 Jn
1 Jn 4:7-12 If we love one another, God’s love is made perfect in us
1 Jn 4:19-21 We can’t love God without loving neighbor
Rev 21:1-6 The new heaven and the new earth