Final Presentation for Catholic Social Justice

Preparation and Presentation Performance

1. Practice: students need to practice the presentation with their partner at least twice beforehand. Use a clock to time yourself. Timing is very important in grading. Do not be too short or too long.

2. Professionalism: students need to present themselves in a very professional and excellent manner—similar to a presentation one may have for a job later on in life. Students are in dress code--tucked in, neat and belted. Both partners speak equally. Appropriate language is used at all times. Students have appropriate facial expressions. Students talk about their project in a manner full of respect and dignity especially toward those people they worked with. Presentation is not read. Excellent eye contact.

3. PowerPoint:Students prepare and show at least 8 slides of a PowerPoint presentation to serve as background for the presentation in an excellent manner. The students give the PowerPoint part of the presentation the correct weight and do not overwhelm the presentation with special effects and too many slides. (HINT: the most important part of the presentation is the story telling in the experience part—not the PowerPoint.) The 1 st slide has names of the presenters as well as their issue. The next slides are titled Involvement, Exploration, Reflection, Action, Experience, and Individual Insight. The last slide should say something like, “The End” or “Thanks for listening” or some appropriate concluding statement. Correct spelling and grammar is used. Exploration and Reflection are cited very well

4. Timing: the presentation should be ten to twelve minutes. If the presentation is excellent and goes over a couple minutes—I won’t take off much or I’ll take off just a little. But if the presentation is very short or very long—many points will be taken off.

5. Grading: Review the copy of the grading rubric. It is difficult to get an “A” on the final presentation. If you want an “A” then you would have to follow the rubric perfectly and the stories in your experience section would be of high quality.

Outline of your presentation: follow exactly the 6 steps below

1. Involvement: Say your name(s,) identify the issue and briefly describe how you became interested in the issue in about 30 sec. or less.

2. Exploration: Briefly include research and background in the presentation. Be sure the background relates very well to the topic. Source cited well. (about 45 sec or less)

3. Reflection: Next, church teaching or scripture (not both) are briefly included and related very well to the topic. Source cited well (about 45 sec or less)

(The above 3 steps should be talked about quickly—about 90 second tops---and briefly so you can spend most of your time on #5: Experience.)

4. Action: the action project is described and related to the issue in an excellent manner. In other words, the speaker tells what was done, where the hours were completed, how the action was a proper response to the issue and does this in an excellent manner. (1-1:30)

(Action is really important.)

5. Experience: Many experiences and stories obtained during the project are related and described in an excellent manner. Feelings and opinions are expressed in an excellent manner. At least 4 stories are told if by yourself in an excellent manner. If you are with a partner, each partner tells at least three stories in an excellent manner. People met by students are described in an excellent manner including their names. Partners take turns. Using your journal as a guide to remember your stories helps out here. (about 8 minutes)

(Experience is where most of your time should be spent in the presentation.)

6. Individual Insight: what was learned from the action hours is described in an excellent manner. Changes in thinking or feeling are related in an excellent manner. Speakers make excellent conclusions about their action project as it relates to their life and to injustice. Each student states how the project helped each person learn about the issue and does this in an excellent manner. Please be creative and really think about this part so you stand out from the crowd. (about 1-2 min)

Email Mr. Jim Homan, © Jim Homan 2005


Daniel J. Gross Catholic High School--7700 South 43rd Street, Bellevue, Nebraska 68147